Cafu, Legend Of Brazilian Football Congratulates Winners Of UK Replica IWC Lawrence Children’s Painting Competition

Cafu, the legend of Brazilian Football appeared in Instituto Reação to celebrate that Ana Claudia won the prize of IWC Lawrence Children’s Painting Competition. The theme of this competition is Time to be Healthy. The painting of Ana will be engraved on the back of popular IWC Pilots fake watch special edition, continuing the tradition of the watch brand.

IWC released one special edition each year to support the Foundation.

Significant IWC Pilot’s Replica Watch

Instituto Reação was established in 2003 which is one of the sponsored projects of Lawrence Sports Foundation, aiming to improving the living conditions of children and adolescents through physical education, conveying the brand’s core value concept of respect, principle and determination.

The painting of the winner in the competition has been engraved on the caseback.

IWC Imitation Watch With Black Ceramic Case

Since 2005, IWC became the global cooperative partner of Lawrence Sports Foundation, launching a piece of Lawrence limited edition to support relative activities of the Foundation. The IWC copy watch with blue dial features a distinctive black ceramic case and most importantly, the work of Ana has been engraved on the back of case, telling the strength and emotion from the wrists.

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